
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2021

When we started to hear worrying news on Covid coming out of Italy earlier on this year we couldn’t believe what was happening, as if it was straight out of a Sci-Fi movie. This was completely unexpected, unimaginable and something our generation had never had to live through before now. As an entrepreneur I was greatly concerned how this was going to affect the economy and especially the SMEs. MachinePoint belongs to this group of companies working hard year after year to grow our businesses, and Covid has put thousands of not only small companies but also leading household names under extreme pressure.

At MachinePoint we are directly responsible for more than 50 families and this is one of my main motivation to keep pushing hard to grow our company and give the very best service to our customers. I decided not to close any of our offices nor lay-off any of our employees and the whole team adapted to the challenges we faced in the most spectacular fashion. We all adapted in record time to having to work from home and even managed to increase our productivity during these difficult months. I want to thank each and every one of you, without your dedication this would not have been possible. Thanks to your efforts we have managed to grow our team and will finish this year with good results. And thanks to all our customers too for trusting us with their business, without them we would not be here today.

Cesar Rodriguez, CEO & Founder MachinePoint

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2021

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