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About Us

Author: Blanca González

We have a good know how in making the best soft drinks for the market combining price & quality for different markets around the world
The extracting lines take vegetables to make puree, juice, creams, sauces...
Carbonated Drinks are the beverages with CO2 solved on it (with gas)
Citric processing, all the systems to process juices (orange, lemon, grapefruit, lime, mandarine,...) In many countries for kids and breakfast are very popular. Vitamins
Soy drinks are becoming more popular everyday and the market is growing a lot. Natural or flavoured, with chocolate or different fruits
Is very important how we receive milk to avoid too many micro-organisms not desirables. Using hot or cooling to kill bacterias or aviod the multiplication
Systems used to present and preserve products in the right way in the market. Constant evolution of new technologies adapted to the changing world
We can advise you about ready made soups and creams to be a leader in your market packaging in the best systems following the market
Tropical fruits are very popular in many different kind of juices and beverages it can be prepared mixin two or more ingredients in each juice
Preserve the flavor, color and texture of strawberries and berries requires quality processes. Getting juices and jams of the highest quality